
Capture a moment in time...

My very first camera was a Kraft Velveeta Shells & Cheese Dinner 110 film camera. In the early 90's, I saved the UPC codes from multiple boxes, filled out the form, enclosed a check, and sent away for it. A month later, I had my very first piece of camera equipment.I still have it to this very day in my man cave on a shelf.

Fast forward to 2003 when I purchased my first digital camera, a 3.2 megapixel Canon Powershot S30. I took that camera all around Europe and it survived falls and bumps along the way. I then purchased a Canon 50D and it changed my way of viewing and capturing images.

I enjoy the journey and setup just as much as the final outcome. I also edit and color correct all images in Adobe Photoshop CC.

All photos taken by me. Want a print? Questions? Contact me.